The space

In September 2023, God opened up the door for us to sign a three-year lease for a small warehouse unit in the Docklands. This is a blank canvas space that will be ours throughout the week and has endless potential.

Below is a rough outline of our plans for this space to facilitate our Sunday gatherings and creative vision for the future. Please note that pricing represents our best estimations and may vary as work begins.

If you’d like to be a part of sowing into this space then please use the button below or give directly with bank transfer.

Set up a standing order

If you’re a regular giver then we’d love to encourage you to set up a standing order. Firstly, there are no processing fees attached which means 100% of your gift will be going to Reflect Church.

But also regular giving allows us to have a clear idea of future budget which means we can make the best possible decisions as a church.

You can set up your giving with the following bank details:

Account name: C3 Reflect
Account number: 21412367
Sort code: 50-10-05

Reflect Church is a registered UK charity (No. 1194463).

Stage | £1600

80% complete

We have now built a small stage complete with built in access for cable management. We’ve been able to invest in a better projector but now need to do the final touches around decor (including hanging guitars from the wall).

Soundproofing | £1000

20% complete

Sound travels quickly throughout the downstairs and upstairs rooms due to the high ceilings and harsh surfaces. We have began to create sound insulation panels to absorb excess noise and create a beautiful sound.

Production | £3400

70% complete

We have now finished creating a production desk area at the back of the downstairs room. We would also like to invest in better cameras for our live-streaming capabilities to increase the quality of our online experience.

Lighting | £2200

5% complete

We plan to professionally hang metal trussing from the ceiling and purchase LED PAR can lights to increase the atmosphere of our Sunday services as well as open up commercial hiring possibilities with the space.

Decor | £800

50% complete

We want to create a space that is full of beauty, warmth and life. Plants, rugs, lamps & all of the small touches help communicate our heart for every person who walks through the door.

Give to the vision

To play your part in contributing, use the button below.